Irish Inline Hockey

Inline Hockey Ireland

Header Image (1): Contributor: Kat72 Closeup of one hockey stick and puck laying on textured ice in black and white Item ID: 576241228 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 22 March 2022]

Featured Picture Credit: Vincent JIANG / Shutterstock (2018) Montreal, Canada – March 18 2018:Junior hokey team parading in the Saint Patrick`s Day in Montreal downtown [Accessed 4 May

Inline Hockey Ireland Leagues

The first Inline Hockey Leagues in Ireland appeared in the late 1990s, with Leagues in the Dublin, Cork and Belfast areas. The Dublin and Cork Leagues were merged into one Republic of Ireland League by 2005, and the Northern Ireland Leagues branched out to Bangor, Portadown and elsewhere.

In 2015-16 the first Inline Hockey Ireland All-Ireland League was started – the Hibernia League – featuring two Leagues – Elite and League 1. There is now also a League 2 and a Ladies League. There are two dedicated Inline Rinks in Ireland – the Longford Rink, and the Rink, Portadown, where all matches take place.

Ladies Inline Hockey

Republic of Ireland Inline Hockey Leagues

Northern Ireland Inline Hockey Leagues

International Inline Hockey