Asian Sports
Asian Sports played in Ireland include Polo (and versions of Polo such as Polocrosse); Kabaddi and Sepak Takraw.
Polocrosse is a version of Lacrosse played on Horseback. It was invented in Northern Australia in the 1970s and the first World Cup was played in 2003.

Polocrosse (Australia)
International Polocrosse
Polocrosse (Northern Australia)
IPC World Cup (Editions): 2019 2003
Irish Polocrosse Association National Finals (Years):
Irish Polocrosse Association A Grade Tournaments (Years):
Polo originated in Iran and was introduced to Britain and Ireland by the British Army after it was discovered there.

Polo (Iran – Central Asia)
Polo (Iran)
FIP European Championships: 2016
Kabaddi is an Indian Tag Game, popular throughout South Asia, whereby a team has to tag players on the opposing team and get back to their own base without being tagged in turn in the time it takes to hold their breath. In order to ensure the players are holding their breath they have to repeat “Kabaddi” over and over again.

Kabaddi (India – South Asia)
Kabaddi (Ireland)
Kabaddi Trinity Indian Society 2013
Kabaddi (Irish Teams in India)
Pro Kabaddi (India)
Sepak Takraw
Sepak Takraw is a version of Volleyball played with every part of the body except the arms and is Native to Malaysia and Thailand, both of whom claim to have invented it and where the game is a National Sport. It is popular throughout South East and East Asia.

MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR, 10 SEPTEMBER 2017 – Sepak Takraw Athletes perform during 29th Sea Games Kuala Lumpur 2017 Picture Credit: Mohd Nasirruddin Yazid
Sepak Takraw (Malaysia, Thailand – South East Asia)
Sepak Takraw (Ireland)
UCD Sepak Takraw Club 2014-Present
Sepak Takraw League (Malaysia)
Sepak Takraw League (Malaysia) 2015-2016
Sepak Takraw Games (East Indonesia)
Native American Sports
Ulama (as known to the Mexica (Aztecs) or Pok-ta-Pok (as known to the Maya) is a Native Mexican and Central American Sports using a rubber ball and the hips. It is played in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras. Stickball is a Choctaw Native American Sport similar to Lacrosse.
Ulama Pok-ta-Pok
Ulama is the ancient sport of the Native Aztec (Mexica) and Maya of Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras). It is played with the hips, with two teams trying to propel the ball past the opposing team and has been played since 1400 BC. It is known as “Pok Ta Pok” to the Maya and “Ulama” to the Mexica.
The Juego de Pelota Mesoamerican Ulamaztli Championship is an Annual Regional Competition in Teotihuacan, Mexico City, the seat of the ancient religious / ritual centre, and where the most impressive ancient Ball Court is to be seen.
The Ulama Mesoamerican Ball Game Tournament is the Annual World Cup basically, bringing together teams from Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras.

Mayan Ball court found in Uxmal This ball court is part of the Mayan culture found all over Yucatan’s archeological sites. Uxmal is in Yucatan an it used to be a huge populated city. Royalty-free stock photo ID: 197886914 By Leon Rafael
Mesoamerican Ulama Pok-ta-Pok
Ulama (Pok-ta-Pok)
Ulama Mesoamerican Ball Game Tournament (Ulama World Cup)
Ulama Pok-ta-Pok Mesoamerican Ball Game Tournament 2017-Present
Juego de Pelota Mesoamerican Ulamaztli Championship (Teotihuacan, Mexico)
Juego de Pelota Championship (seasons):
Ancient Mesoamerican Ball Game
Choctaw Stickball
Stickball is a Native American Sport similar to Lacrosse.

Choctaw Stickball
Native American Sports include Stickball, a Choctaw game in Oklahoma.
Choctaw Stickball:
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Playing Stickball Choctaw Nation 2018