Basketball Ireland
Basketball Ireland was founded as the Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland in 1947, and after playing a County and Club Championship format for nearly 30 years switched to a National Basketball League based on clubs in 1973. This became professionalised with the import of American players during the 1979-80 season and the name of the organisation was changed to the Irish Basketball Association to reflect this. The IBA became Basketball Ireland in 2003 and organises National Leagues, Cups and Tournaments as well as entering International competitions.
Clicking on links in this page will bring you to the subpage
National Basketball Leagues
This is the Eirball Index Page to the All-Time Results and Standings of the Basketball Ireland National Leagues. First founded in 1973-74 after 27 years of the Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland Club and County Championshps, the National Basketball Leagues have two tiers in both Men’s and Women’s Basketball.
Header Picture Credit: [1] Folan, John | Irish Basketball Memories of the 80s And 90s Facebook Group (2020) Post to Page, January 27, 2020″Fantastic team loved going to see them play” [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 25 March 2020][Adjusted]
IBA / BINL Men’s Super League 1993-Present
In 1991 the Association merged the Men’s Divisions 1 & 2 into one National Basketball League, with two conferences: North & South. At the same time it reduced the number of paid American Imports from two to one, thinking the Irish playerscould make the step up. The fans lost interest, however, with just one American on the teams, and it is regarded as the end of the “Golden Era”. After two seasons under this format, the two division set-up was reinstated, with Divisions 1 & 2 now named the Super League & Division 1.
The Irish Basketball Association was rebranded in 2003 as Basketball Ireland, and the two Conference (North & South) model was again reintroduced, although the two Division (2 levels) set-up was retained. The Women’s 2nd Level was reinstated at this time also, although the Women’s Divisions never had North & South Conferences.
In 2013 the Super League underwent a name-change to the Premier League, as a drastic attempt was made to fix the National Leagues and the massive debt Basketball Ireland had built up. In 2016 the Super League brand made a comeback and by 2019 it was stated on the Basketball Ireland website that the €1.4 Million debt was paid off.
NBL Men’s Super League
Picture Credit: Ross Mahon / Shutterstock (2021) TALLAGHT, IRELAND – MARCH 01, 2021: An aerial view of the National Basketball Arena in Tymon Park. [Accessed 4 May 2021]
Basketball National League Men’s Super League Overviews 1993-2023:
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Super League 2016-2019
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Premier League 2013-2016
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Super League 2003-2013
Irish Basketball Association Men’s Super League 1993-2003
BI NL Men’s Super League 2016-2023:
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Super League 2020-21
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Super League 2019-20
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Super League 2018-19
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Super League 2017-18
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Super League 2016-17
BI NL Men’s Premier League 2013-2016:
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Premier League 2015-16
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Premier League 2014-15
BI NL Men’s Super League 2003-2013
IBA NL Men’s Super League 1993-2003
IBA National League Men’s Super League 1997-98
IBA National League Men’s Super League 1996-97
IBA National League Men’s Super League 1995-96

ABAI / IBBA National Basketball League Division 1 1975-1993
The Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland was formed in 1947. After 25 years of All-Ireland Championships based on a Club & County basis like in the GAA, the ABAI created the first National Basketball League based on clubs in 1972-73.
In 1979-80 St. Vincent’s Killarney brought in two paid American Imports, contrary to the rules of the ABAI, but after taking no action against them for most of the season, they relented having seen how many fans it was bringing in, and allowed paid imports, changing the name of the Association to the Irish Basketball Association to reflect this. This era, from 1980-1991 is regarded by many in Irish Basketball as its “Golden Era”
NBL Men’s Division 1 1975-1993
Picture Credit: Ross Mahon / Shutterstock (2021) TALLAGHT, IRELAND – MARCH 01, 2021: An aerial view of the National Basketball Arena in Tymon Park. [Accessed 4 May 2021]
Men’s National Basketball League Division 1 Overviews 1975-1993
Irish Basketball Association Budweiser Men’s National League 1991-1993
Irish Basketball Association National Basketball League Men’s Division 1 1979-1991
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland National League Division 1 1975-1979
IBA Men’s Budweiser NBL
IBA Men’s Budweiser National Basketball League 1992-93
IBA Men’s Budweiser National Basketball League 1991-92
IBA NBL Men’s Division 1 1979-1991
IBA National Basketball League Men’s Division 1 1990-91
ABAI NBL Men’s League

IBA / BINL Women’s Super League 1997-Present
IBA / BINL Women’s Super League 1997-Present
Image Reference: 3D Rendering of creative basketball with glowing blue neon seams on a midnight blue background casting a glow on the surface below with copy space Image ID: 134359100 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022
National Basketball League Women’s Level 1 Standings
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Super League 2016-2019
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Premier League 2013-2016
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Super League 2003-2013
Irish Basketball Association Women’s Super League 1997-2003
BBI NL Women’s Super League 2016-present:
BINL Women’s Super League 2020-21
BINL Women’s Super League 2019-20
BINL Women’s Super League 2018-19
BINL Women’s Super League 2017-18
BINL Women’s Super League 2016-17
BBI NL Women’s Premier League 2013-2016
BINL Women’s Premier League 2015-16
BBI NL Women’s Super League 2003-2013
IBA NL Women’s Super League 1997-2003

IBBA National League Ladies / Women’s Division 1 1979-1997
IBBA NBL Women’s / Ladies Division 1 1979-1997
Image Reference: 3D Rendering of creative basketball with glowing blue neon seams on a midnight blue background casting a glow on the surface below with copy space Image ID: 134359100 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022
IBBA NBL Women’s / Ladies Division 1 1979-1997 Overviews
Irish Basketball Association Women’s National League Division 1 1991-1997
Irish Basketball Association Ladies National Basketball League 1979-1991
IBA NBL Women’s Division 1 1991-1997 (Seasons):
IBA National Basketball League Citrus Spring Division 1 1991-92
IBA NBL Ladies Division 1 1979-1991 (Seasons):

Irish Basketball Association / Basketball Ireland Men’s Division 1
In 1993 the Men’s Budweiser League was again split between two levels, with the highest level being named the Super League and the second level Division 1.
NBL Men’s Division 1
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2013-2019
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2003-2013
Irish Basketball Association National Basketball League Men’s Division 1 1993-2003
BBI NL Men’s Division 1 2013-2020
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2020-21
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2019-20
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2018-19
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2017-18
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2016-17
Basketball Ireland National League Men’s Division 1 2015-16
BBI NL Men’s Division 1 2003-2013
IBA NBL Men’s Division 1 1993-2003

Irish Basketball Association Men’s Division 2
The Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland created a second level for Men’s Basketball in 1977-78, known as Division 2, which remained Division 2 after the re-branding of the organisation in 1979-80. For the 1991-92 season, both Divisions were merged into one Budweiser-sponsored League with North and South Conferences and American-style playoffs.
NBL Men’s Division 2
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
National Basketball League Men’s Level 2 Standings
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland National League Division 2 1977-1979
Irish Basketball Association National Basketball League Men’s Division 2 1979-1991

Basketball Ireland Women’s Division 1
NBL Women’s Division 1
For woman basketball on white background Computer generated image
BINL Women’s Division 1 Overviews 2003-Present
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2013-2019
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2003-2013
BBI NL Women’s Division 1 2013-2020
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2020-21
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2019-20
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2018-19
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2017-18
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2016-17
Basketball Ireland National League Women’s Division 1 2015-16
BBI NL Women’s Divvision 1 2003-2013

Irish Basketball Association Ladies / Women’s Division 2
NBL Women’s Division 1
For woman basketball on white background Computer generated image
IBA NBL Women’s / Ladies Division 2 1982-1997 Overviews
Irish Basketball Association National League Women’s Division 2 1991-1997
Irish Basketball Association National Basketball League Ladies Division 2 1982-1991
IBA NBL Women’s Division 2 1991-1997 (Seasons):
IBA National Basketball League Women’s Division 2 1991-92
IBBA NBL Ladies Division 2 1979-1991 (Seasons):

Basketball Ireland National Cups
Men’s Level 1 National Cup
Picture Credit: Ross Mahon / Shutterstock (2021) TALLAGHT, IRELAND – MARCH 01, 2021: An aerial view of the National Basketball Arena in Tymon Park. [Accessed 4 May 2021]
BI Men’s Pat Duffy National Cup (Super League Cup) Overview – Finals
Basketball Ireland Men’s Pat Duffy National Cup (Level 1) 2017-2019
Basketball Ireland Men’s National Cup 2013-2017
Basketball Ireland Men’s Super League Cup 2005-2013
Irish Basketball Association Men’s Senior National Cup 1994-2005
Irish Basketball Association Men’s Senior Cup Finals 1984-1994
BI Men’s Pat Duffy National Cup (Super League Cup)
BI Men’s National Cup (Super League Cup)
IBA Men’s Sprite National Cup :

Women’s Level 1 National Cup
Picture Credit: Ross Mahon / Shutterstock (2021) TALLAGHT, IRELAND – MARCH 01, 2021: An aerial view of the National Basketball Arena in Tymon Park. [Accessed 4 May 2021]
BBI / IBA Women’s National (Super League) Cup – Overviews of Finals
Basketball Ireland Women’s National Cup 2013-2018
Basketball Ireland Women’s Super League Cup 2005-2013
Irish Basketball Association Women’s Senior National Cup 1994-2005
Irish Basketball Association Women’s Senior Cup 1984-1994
BI Women’s Paudie O’Connor National Cup (Super League Cup)
BI Women’s National Cup (Super League Cup)
IBA Women’s National Sprite Cup:

Men’s Level 2 National Cup
Photo by Pixabay on
BI Men’s President’s (Senior) Cup (Division 1 Cup)
Basketball Ireland Men’s President’s National Cup (Level 2) 2013-2019
Basketball Ireland Men’s Senior National Cup (Tier 2) 2005-2013
BBI Men’s President’s National Cup (Seasons)

Women’s Level 2 National Cup
Photo by Pixabay on
BBI Women’s Senior Cup (Division 1 Cup) – Overviews of Finals
Basketball Ireland Women’s Senior National Cup (Level 2) 2013-2019
Basketball Ireland Women’s Senior Cup (Tier 2) 2005-2013
BBI Women’s Senior Cup (Division 1 Cup)

Men’s Level 3 Intermediate National Cup
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Men’s Level 3 Intermediate National Cup – Overview of Finals
Basketball Ireland Men’s National Intermediate Cup Competition (Level 3) 2015-2019
BI Men’s National Intermediate Cup Competition (Area Boards)

Women’s Level 3 Intermediate National Cup
Photo by Pixabay on
BBI Women’s National Intermediate Cup Competition (Area Boards):
Basketball Ireland Women’s National Intermediate Cup Competition (Level 3) 2015-2019
BBI Women’s National Intermediate Cup Competition (Area Boards):

Men’s Junior (Underage) National Cups
Male High School Basketball Team Playing Game Photo Contributor: Monkey Business Images Image Reference: [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 January 2023]
IBA Sprite UJ20 / U19 Junior National Cup
Basketball Ireland Men’s Under 20 National Cup 2007-2018
Irish Basketball Association Men’s Junior U19 National Cup 1984-2006
IBA Sprite U19 Junior National Cup (Seasons):

Women’s Junior (Underage) National Cups
Schoolgirls Basketball – Licensed from Monkey Business Images /
IBA Sprite U19 Junior Women’s National Cup (Overview of Finals)
Basketball Ireland Women’s Under 20 National Cup 2007-2018
Irish Basketball Association Women’s Junior U19 National Cup 1984-2006
IBA Sprite U19 Junior Women’s National Cup (Seasons)

Men’s Junior (Underage) Level 2 National Cups
IPhoto by Edgar Colomba on
IBA Junior Men’s Regional Cup (Seasons)
Basketball Ireland Men’s Under 18 National Cup 2007-2018
Irish Basketball Association Men’s Junior B (Under 19) National Cup 1989-1997
IBA Junior Men’s Regional Cup (Seasons)

Women’s Junior (Underage) Level 2 National Cups
Schoolgirls Basketball – Licensed from Monkey Business Images /
IBA Women’s Junior Regional Cup (Overview of Finals)
Irish Basketball Association Women’s Junior B (Under 19) National Cup 1989-1997
Basketball Ireland Women’s Under 18 National Cup 2007-2018
IBA Women’s Junior Regional Cup (Seasons)

Basketball Ireland League Cups
3D rendering of single blue neon basketball ball not moving on top of blue glowing crisscross pattern floor. For your flyer or webbanner Copyright: howdybob Image ID: 126599586 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
BI Men’s Division 1 League Cup (Seasons)
BI Women’s NLC Champions Trophy (Seasons):

All-Ireland Basketball Championships
From the formation of Basketball Ireland as the Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland in 1947 until 1979, the Irish Basketball Championship was organized on a Club and County basis, with Provincial Championships preceeding the All-Ireland Championships. from 1980 onwards with the formation of the National Basketball League, the All-Ireland Championship and Regional Championship was reserved for Underage Competitions.
Featured Image Credit
Photo by cottonbro on
All-Ireland Underage Club Cups and Championships
Underage Basketball Championships have been held in Ireland since the time of the Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland (1947-1979) – then known as Minor Championships, they were based on the GAA system of County and Club Championships, with Provincial Championships preceeding the All-Ireland Championships.
After the ABAI was renamed the Irish Basketball Association in 1980 there was widespread restructuring within Irish Basketball, with the counties replaced by Area Boards, and a National League based on Clubs replacing the All-Ireland County and Club Championships. With this there were only Area Board Leagues for Underage grades and son a Playoff system was introduced for the winners of each. The Under 19 Regional Championships were played from the 1980s to early 2000s when again the Regional Championships were replaced by the All-Ireland Club Cups after the rebranding of the IBA as Basketball Ireland.
IBA Regional Championships
Photo by cottonbro on
IBA U19 Boys Regional Championships (Seasons):
IBA U19 Girls Regional Championships (Seasons):

Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland 1947-1979
The Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland (now Basketball Ireland) was the organisation in charge of running Basketball in Ireland from 1947 to 1979 when it changed its name to the Irish Basketball Association. From 1953 to 1973 it was organised on a Club and County basis like the Gaelic Athletic Association.
The All-Ireland Blitz from 1953 to 1964 was the Club Championship, held on a Blitz basis over the course of a weekend in one venue. It was replaced by the National Basketball Cup, in which the top 16 teams from the four provinces played in four groups of four over the course of a year with semi-finals and final. In 1973 a National League based on clubs replaced the All-Ireland County Championships and National Basketball Cup.
ABAI County Championships 1952-1973
Photo by cottonbro on
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland County Championships (Overviews):
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland Senior County Championships 1952-1973
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland Junior County Championships 1959-1972
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland Minor (Overviews):
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland Minor County Championship 1953-1974
ABAI All-Ireland Senior County Championships (Seasons):

ABAI Club Championships 1950-1978
Photo by Edgar Colomba on
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland Club (Overviews):
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland All Ireland Senior Blitz 1950-1964
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland Ladies (Overviews):
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland Ladies All-Ireland Championship 1968-1978
ABAI National Basketball Cup (Seasons):
ABAI All-Ireland Blitz (Seasons):

ABAI Provincial Championships 1951-1973
Photo by cottonbro on
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland Provincial Championships (Overviews):
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland Connacht Senior Championship 1952-1973
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland Leinster Senior Championship 1951-1973

Basketball Tournaments in Ireland

Basketball Ireland National League Tournaments
Photo by Joel De Leon on
Pat Clarke Women’s Tournament (Meteors)
Anglo-Irish Bank Ladies Tournament (UCD Marian)
Drimnagh Basketball Club Invitational Tournament (Ladies) (Seasons)

Basketball Ireland Teams
Neptune in Cork were the first ever Irish Civilian Basketball Team, founded just after World War II when the first gyms outside of Defence Force facilities were built. Reference: [1]
[1] Kieran Shannon (2022) “Hanging From the Rafters”.
Basketball Ireland Teams
Irish Basketball Teams
Photo by RODNAE Productions on
All-Time Record [ Season Results & Roster ]
Ireland 1 Women’s Basketball Teams Special Olympics (Editions): [ Los Angeles 2015 ]
Hibernia EuroBasket Men’s NBL Representative Team [ 2015-16 ]
St. Vincent’s Killarney 1979-1987
Galway Democrats [ 1991-92 ]

Basketball Ireland Players
Irish Basketball Players
Photo by RODNAE Productions on
Basketball Ireland All-Star Teams (Seasons):

International Basketball
FIBA Europe Mens Competitions
FIBA Europe Mens Competitions
Photo by Markus Spiske on
FIBA European Championship for Small Countries (Editions)
FIBA Europe: Senior Men Celtic Clash (Editions):
FIBA Eurobasket Division B Qualifying Round (Senior Men) (Editions):
FIBA Europe: U18 Men European Championships (Editions):
FIBA Europe: U15 Men Friendlies (Editions):

FIBA Europe Womens Competitions
FIBA Europe Womens Competitions
Photo by Markus Spiske on
FIBA Europe Eurobasket Women Division B Qualifying Round (Senior Women) (Editions):
FIBA Europe U20 Womens European Championship (Editions):
FIBA Europe: Senior Women Friendlies (Editions):
FIBA Europe: U17 Women Friendlies (Editions):
FIBA Europe: U16 Women Friendlies (Seasons):

Olympic Games Basketball
With the London Olympic Games in close proximity, Ireland sent a Basketball team to compete in 1948, just one year after the foundation of the Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland.
Olympic Games
Photo by RDNE Stock project: [Accessed 25 October 2023]
Olympic Games Basketball Tournament for Men (Editions):

FIBA Europe Club Competitions
FIBA Europe Club Competitions
Photo by Wallace Chuck on [Accessed and Edited by Enda Mulcahy 27 March 2024]
FIBA Europe Club Competitons (Overviews)
Federation Internationale de Basket Europe European Champions Cup 1961-1986
British & Irish Basketball Federation Federation Cup 1980-1983
FIBA Europe Cup (Seasons)

British & Irish Basketball Federation
British & Irish Basketball Federation
Photo by JD Danny on
BIBF Four Countries Tournaments
BIBF Men’s Junior Four Countries Tournament (Seasons):
BIBF Federation Cup
British & Irish Basketball Federation Federation Cup 1980-1983

Special Olympics Basketball
Special Olympics Basketball
Photo by JD Danny on
Special Olympics World Games Women’s Basketball (Editions):

USA Basketball Teams in Ireland
American Basketball teams have been visiting Ireland for close to 80 years.
American Basketball Teams in Ireland
Photo by RODNAE Productions on
Basketball Hall of Fame Classic Belfast (Seasons)

National Basketball Association
From the National Basketball Association (NBA) to the WNBA (Women’s), NBA D-Leagues (Development Leagues) to NBA 2K (E-Basketball) there is more to the NBA than most people know.
National Basketball Association
OAKLAND, CA – FEBRUARY 22: Celtics vs. Warriors: Players shoot around to warm-up during halftime break at Oracle Arena taken February 22, 2011 Oakland California ©ericbvd/123RF.COM Image ID: 9205782 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
National Basketball Association Leagues NBA, WNBA, NBA G-League, NBA 2K-League (seasons):
National Basketball Association (Overviews):
National Basketball Association 2002-2007 (Pat Burke, Orlando Magic & Phoenix Suns)

Women’s National Basketball Association
From the National Basketball Association (NBA) to the WNBA (Women’s), NBA D-Leagues (Development Leagues) to NBA 2K (E-Basketball) there is more to the NBA than most people know.
Women’s NBA
Featured Image: Beautiful african-american female basketball player in motion and action in neon light on black background. Concept of healthy lifestyle, professional sport, hobby. Woman in sport. Copyright: melnyk58 Image ID: 167924376 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Womens National Basketball Association (Overviews):

NBA Development Leagues
From the National Basketball Association (NBA) to the WNBA (Women’s), NBA D-Leagues (Development Leagues) to NBA 2K (E-Basketball) there is more to the NBA than most people know.
NBA Development Leagues
Featured Image: OAKLAND, CA – FEBRUARY 22: Celtics vs. Warriors: Players shoot around to warm-up during halftime break at Oracle Arena taken February 22, 2011 Oakland California. ©ericbvd/123RF.COM Image ID: 9205782 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
National Basketball Association Development League (Overviews):

NBA World and Preseasons
From the National Basketball Association (NBA) to the WNBA (Women’s), NBA D-Leagues (Development Leagues) to NBA 2K (E-Basketball) there is more to the NBA than most people know. The National Basketball Association has played for decades around the World during preseason, and more recently has imaugurated the Showcase Cup where the Ciudad de Mexico Capitanes play alongside NBA G-League (Development League) teams in a short season.
NBA World and Preseasons
Featured Image: Darren Collison of Dallas in action at FC Barcelona vs Dallas Mavericks friendly match, final score 99-85, on October 9, 2012, in Palau Sant Jordi stadium, Barcelona, Spain ©natursports/123RF.COM Image ID: 31291243 Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
National Basketball Association Preseasons

Schools and Colleges Basketball
Schools and Colleges Basketball in Ireland is All-Ireland and includes the National Colleges Basketball Cup and Basketball Ireland Varsities (Colleges and Universities); All-Ireland Schools Cups (Post-Primary Schools with age grades ranging from Under 15 to Under 18); All-Ireland Schools Leagues (Leagues played on a Regional basis with All-Ireland Playoffs in age grades ranging from Under 13 to Under 18); All-Ireland Schools Championship (A previous version of the All-Ireland Schools Cup and Leagues played on a County Championship, followed by Provincial and All-Ireland Championships, as in the GAA); Schools Basketball Regions (Leagues for the Nine Schools Regions in Ireland plus the Inter-Regional Cups); and Mini-Basketball (A version of the sport for Primary School Children). Men and Women, Boys and Girls are more or less equally represented throughout.
Colleges Basketball
Basketball Ireland Varsities
Image Reference: Image ID: 134359100 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Basketball Ireland Varsities Men’s Division A (Seasons):
CUSAI Basketball Intervarsities Men (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland Varsities Women’s Division A (Seasons):
CUSAI Basketball Intervarsities Women (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland Varsities Men’s B (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland Varsities Women’s B (Seasons):

National Basketball Colleges Cup
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Copyright: sobkiv Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Basketball Ireland National Basketball Colleges Cup Men’s Division 1 (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland Men’s Colleges League Division 1 (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland National Basketball Colleges Cup Women’s Division 1 (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland Women’s Colleges League Division 1 (Seasons):

Schools Basketball Finals
All-Ireland Schools Basketball Finals
Irish Schools Basketball was reorganized in 1984, with the Championship, based like the GAA, on a regional knockout followed by All-Ireland knockout basis, with an All-Ireland League and Cup, with the League based along the lines of Regional Leagues, followed by All-Ireland Playoffs and Finals in the National Basketball Arena, in Tymon, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
The Irish Schools Basketball Association (Boys) and Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland were brought together under one organisation: Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools in 2003. At the same time the Senior (Under 18) and Junior / Cadette (Under 15) grades were renamed Under 19 and Under 16 grades.
All-Ireland Schools Finals
Photo Contributor: Monkey Business Images Female High School Basketball Team Playing Game [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 January 2023]
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools Finals (Seasons):
SBAI / ISBA All-Ireland Schools Finals (Seasons):

Schools Basketball Cups
All-Ireland Schools Cup
The All-Ireland Schools Basketball Cup is played on a National Level through all rounds, and is a straight knockout (single elimination) tournament played over a number of weekends.
All-Ireland Schools Basketball Cup Finals
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Copyright: sobkiv Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Schools Basketball All-Ireland Cup Finals (Overviews):
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland Schools Cup U19 A Boys 1992-2018
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland Schools Cup U19A Girls 1994-2018
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland Schools Cup U16 A Boys 2001-2018
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland Schools Cup U16 A Girls 2001-2018
Basketball Ireland U19B Boys All Ireland Schools Cup Finals 1994-2019
Basketball Ireland U19B Girls All Ireland Schools Cup Finals 1994-2019

Boys Schools Cup
Male High School Basketball Team Playing Game Photo Contributor: Monkey Business Images Image Reference: [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 January 2023]
Under 19 Boys Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup
Basketball Ireland U19 A Boys Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons)
Basketball Ireland U19 B Boys All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons)
Basketball Ireland U19 C Boys All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):
Under 16 Boys Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup
Basketball Ireland U16 A Boys All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland U16 B Boys All-Ireland Schools Cup(Seasons):
Basketball Ireland U16 C Boys All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons)
Under 15 Boys Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup
Basketball Ireland U15 B Boys All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):

BIPPS Girls Schools Cup
Photo Contributor: Monkey Business Images Female High School Basketball Team Playing Game [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 January 2023]
Under 19 Girls Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup
Basketball Ireland U19 A Girls Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons)
Basketball Ireland U19 B Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons)
Basketball Ireland U19 C Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):
Under 16 Girls Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup
Basketball Ireland U16 A Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons)
Basketball Ireland U16 B Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland U16 C Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):
Under 15 Girls Subway All-Ireland Schools Cup
Basketball Ireland U15 A Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons)
Basketball Ireland U15 B Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):
Basketball Ireland U15 C Girls All-Ireland Schools Cup (Seasons):

Schools Basketball Leagues
All-Ireland Schools Basketball League
Irish Schools Basketball was reorganized in 1984, with the Championship, based like the GAA, on a regional knockout followed by All-Ireland knockout basis, with an All-Ireland League and Cup, with the League based along the lines of Regional Leagues, followed by All-Ireland Playoffs and Finals in the National Basketball Arena, in Tymon, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
The Irish Schools Basketball Association (Boys) and Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland were brought together under one organisation: Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools in 2003. At the same time the Senior (Under 18) and Junior / Cadette (Under 15) grades were renamed Under 19 and Under 16 grades.
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland Schools League Finals
Picture Credit: Ross Mahon / Shutterstock (2021) TALLAGHT, IRELAND – MARCH 01, 2021: An aerial view of the National Basketball Arena in Tymon Park. [Accessed 4 May 2021]
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland League Finals 2003-Present (Overviews)
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland Schools League U19A Boys Finals 2003-Present
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland Schools League U19A Girls 2003-Present
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland League U16A Boys 2003-Present
Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools All-Ireland League U16A Girls 2003-Present
Irish Schools Basketball Association All-Ireland League Finals 1984-2003 (Overviews)
Irish Schools Basketball Association All-Ireland League Boys U19A 1984-2003
Irish Schools Basketball Association All-Ireland Schools League Junior A Boys 1984-2003
Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland League Finals 1984-2003 (Overviews)
Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland League Senior A Girls 1984-2003
Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland Schools League Cadette A 1984-2003

Basketball Ireland Post-Primary Schools Era Seasons
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Copyright: sobkiv Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools League U19 A Boys (Seasons)
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools League U19 A Girls (Seasons)
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools League U19 B Boys (Seasons)
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools League U19 B Girls (Seasons):
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools League U16 A Boys (Seasons)
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools League U16 A Girls (Seasons)
BIPPS All-Ireland Schools League Minor B Boys (Seasons)

Irish Schools Basketball Association (Boys) Era Seasons
3D Rendering of creative basketball with glowing blue neon seams on a midnight blue background casting a glow on the surface below with copy space
ISBA All Ireland League U18A Boys (Seasons)

Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland Era Seasons
Image Credits: For woman basketball on white background Computer generated image Image ID: 16239722 Copyright: selensergen [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 March 2022]
SBAI All Ireland League Senior A Girls (Seasons)
SBAI All Ireland League Senior B Girls (Seasons)
SBAI All Ireland League Senior C Girls (Seasons)
SBAI All Ireland League Cadette A Girls (Seasons)
SBAI All Ireland League Cadette B Girls (Seasons)
SBAI All Ireland League Cadette C Girls (Seasons)

Schools Basketball Championship
All-Ireland Schools Basketball Championship
The Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland and Irish Schoolboys Basketball Association organized the All-Ireland Schools Championship up until 1984, when it was reorganized on a League and Cup basis.
The SBAI and ISBA All-Ireland Championships were organized on a regional knockout basis, followed by an All-Ireland knockout stage much like in the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association).
All-Ireland Schools Basketball Championship
Male High School Basketball Team Playing Game Photo Contributor: Monkey Business Images Image Reference: [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 January 2023]
Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland Championship Finals
SBAI All-Ireland Championships Senior A Girls 1974-1984

Schools Basketball Regions
Regional Schools Basketball
The Schools Basketball Inter Regionals are a Representative Competition for the 9 Regions in the Irish Schools Basketball System. Players are selected to represent their region from the Schools within that region and the Tournament is used to select players for the Schools Basketball International Panel.
Schools Basketball Inter-Regionals
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Copyright: sobkiv Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
SBAI Girls U-18 All Ireland Inter Regionals (Seasons)
SBAI Girls U-15 All Ireland Inter Regionals (Seasons)
ISBA Boys U-17 All Ireland Inter-Regionals (Seasons)
ISBA Boys U-15 All Ireland Inter Regionals (Seasons):

Secondary Schoolgirls Association Dublin
The Dublin Regional Basketball League is a Dublin-Area Schoolgirls Basketball League which qualifies schools for the All-Ireland League Playoffs.
Secondary Schoolgirls Association Dublin Regional Basketball League
Photo Contributor: Monkey Business Images Female High School Basketball Team Playing Game [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 January 2023]
Secondary Schoolgirls Association Dublin Regional Basketball League (Overviews)
Secondary Schoolgirls Association Dublin Regional Basketball League U19 Premier Finals 2009-2018
Secondary Schoolgirls Association Dublin Regional Basketball League U16 Premier Finals 2009-2018

South East Schoolgirls Basketball
The SESGB League was one of nine regional school leagues in Ireland, with the winners (and in some cases runners-up and 3rd place) qualifying for the All-Ireland League Playoffs. Leagues were divided into “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” based on the size of the school, and there were U19, U16, 2nd Year and 1st Year Grades. There was no “A” League in SESGB in 2015-16, therefore making the “B” League the highest level in the South East.
South East Schoolgirls Basketball
Image Credits: For woman basketball on white background Computer generated image Image ID: 16239722 Copyright: selensergen [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 10 March 2022]
SESGB Under 19 B League (Seasons)
SESGB Under 16 B League (Seasons)

Schools Basketball Provinces
Munster Schools Basketball Association
The Schoolgirls Basketball Association of Ireland and Irish Schoolboys Basketball Association organized the All-Ireland Schools Championship up until 1984, when it was reorganized on a League and Cup basis.
The SBAI and ISBA All-Ireland Championships were organized on a provincial knockout basis, followed by an All-Ireland knockout stage much like in the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association).
Munster Schools Basketball Association
Image Reference: Male High School Basketball Team Playing Game Photo Contributor: Monkey Business Images [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 19 January 2023]
Munster Schools Basketball Association Boys U-17 Blitz

East Coast Area Boards
East Coast Area Boards include Basketball Northern Ireland, North East Basketball Boards (Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Westmeath), Dublin Ladies Area Board, Dublin Men’s Basketball Board, Midlands Area Basketball Board (Westmeath, Offaly, Laois, Kildare), South East Basketball Boards (Carlow, Kilkenny, Wicklow, Wexford and Waterford), and Cork Basketball (Cork Ladies Area Board, Cork Men’s Basketball Board).
Basketball Northern Ireland
Basketball Northern Ireland covers the six counties of Antrim, Down, Armagh, Fermanagh, Tyrone and Derry.
Basketball Northern Ireland
Copyright: luzitanija basketball ball with the colored national flag of northern ireland on the white background Image ID: 126408931 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Basketball Northern Ireland Men’s Premier League 2014-2018
Basketball Northern Ireland Women’s Senior League 2014-2018
BNI Men’s Premier League (Seasons):
BNI Women’s Senior League (Seasons)
BNI Men’s Division 1 (Seasons):
BNI Men’s Division 2 (Seasons)

North East Basketball Boards
The North East Basketball Board covers parts of Counties Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Westmeath, Cavan, and Fingal (North Dublin)
North East Basketball Board
Copyright: gearstd 3d rendering of three basketballs, yellow, orange and blue, lying on wooden floor under hoop fixed on grungy white wall. Sporting equipment. Sport competitions. Active pastime.Image ID: 149229842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
North East Basketball Board Senior Ladies League 2015-2018
North East Basketball Board Senior Men’s League 2015-2018
NEBB Senior Ladies League (Seasons):
NEBB Senior Men’s League (Seasons):

Dublin Ladies Basketball Board
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board (Standings)
Image Credit: 3D Rendering of creative basketball with glowing blue neon seams on a midnight blue background casting a glow on the surface below with copy space Copyright: howdybob Image ID: 134359100 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
DLBB Senior Tier 0 League:
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Ladies Super League 1994-1998
DLBB Senior Tier 1 League:
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Premier Division 1990-1994
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior 1 Division 1994-1998
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior Division 1 1998-2000
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior Division 1 2015-2018
DLBB Senior Tier 2 League:
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior Division 2 1990-1994
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior Division 2 1994-1998
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior Division 2 1998-2000
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior Division 2 2015-2018
DLBB Senior Tier 3 League:
Dublin Ladies Basketball Board Senior Division 3 1990-1994

Dublin Ladies Basketball Board (Seasons)
Image Credit: 3D Rendering of creative basketball with glowing blue neon seams on a midnight blue background casting a glow on the surface below with copy space Copyright: howdybob Image ID: 134359100 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
DLBB Senior Division 1:
DLBB Senior Division 2:
DLBB Senior Division 3:
DLBB Senior Division 4:
DLBB Senior Division 5:

Dublin Men’s Basketball Board
Dublin Men’s Basketball Board
Image Credit: 3D rendering of single blue neon basketball ball not moving on top of blue glowing crisscross pattern floor. For your flyer or webbanner Copyright: howdybob Image ID: 126599586 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Dublin Men’s Basketball Board Senior 1 Division 1992-2000
Dublin Men’s Basketball Board Men’s Division 1 2014-2018
Dublin Men’s Basketball Board Senior Division 2 2014-2018
DMBB Senior Division 1 (Seasons):
DMBB Senior Division 2 (Seasons):
DMBB Senior Division 3 (Seasons):
DMBB Senior Division 4 (Seasons):
DMBB | Cup Finals (Seasons):

Midlands Area Basketball Board
Midland Area Basketball Board
Image Credit: Copyright: sobkiv Image ID: 182623842 Black basketball with red stripes [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
MABB Standings and Playoffs Overviews
Midland Area Basketball Board Ladies Division 1 2013-2018
Midland Area Basketball Board Men’s League 2013-2018
MABB Ladies Division 1 (Seasons):
MABB Men’s Division (Seasons):

South East Basketball Boards
Kilkenny & South East Area Basketball Board
Image Credit: Basketball ball with yellow and purple spots on a white background. Antistress ball Copyright: isn5000 Image ID: 158976311 [Internet][ Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
KSEABB (Year-by-Year Champions):
KSEABB Senior Ladies League (Seasons):
KSEABB Senior Men’s League (Seasons):

West Coast Area Boards
West Coast Area Boards include the Kerry Area Basketball Board; North Munster Basketball Boards (North Munster Area Board, Clare Area Basketball Board, covering Clare, Limerick, and Tipperary); Galway Area Basketball Board; Mayo Area Basketball Board; North Connacht Basketball Boards (Sligo Area Basketball Board, Shannonside Basketball League, LonLeitRos Area Basketball Board – covering Sligo, Roscommon, Leitrim, Longford), and North West Basketball Boards (Donegal Area Basketball Board, Cavan Area Basketball Board, North West Area Board – covering Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan, Leitrim, Longford and Sligo).
Cork Basketball
Cork Ladies Area Board
Photo by cottonbro on
CLAB Ladies Premier Division (Standings Overviews)
Cork Ladies Area Board Ladies Premier Division 2010-2018
CLAB Ladies Premier League (Seasons):
CLAB Ladies Senior League (Seasons):
CLAB Ladies Division 1 League (Seasons):
CLAB Ladies Premier Championship (Seasons):
CLAB Ladies Senior Championship (Seasons):
CLAB Ladies Division 1 Championship (Seasons):

Cork Men’s Basketball Board
Photo by cottonbro on
Cork Men’s Basketball Board Men’s Division 1 League 2010-2018
CMBB Men’s Division 1 League (Seasons):

Kerry Area Basketball Board
The Kerry Area Basketball Board is one of a dozen in Ireland, operating Ladies and Men’s and Boys and Girls Leagues and Cups in Co. Kerry. It is Level 3 in the Basketball Ireland system, below the two National League Divisions in both Men’s and Ladies, and the East Coast and West Coast Regional Leagues.
KABB Ladies Leagues & Cups
Photo by Pixabay on
KABB Ladies Leagues
Kerry Area Basketball Board Ladies Division 1 2011-2018
KABB Ladies Senior Division 1 (Seasons):
KABB Ladies Division 1 Cup (Seasons):
KABB Ladies Division 2 Cup (Seasons):
KABB Ladies Division 3 Cup (Seasons):

KABB Men’s Leagues & Cups
Photo by cottonbro on
KABB Men’s Division 1 (Standings Overviews)
Kerry Area Basketball Board Men’s Division 1 2011-2018
KABB Men’s Senior Division 1 (Seasons):
KABB Men’s Cross Division 2/3 (Seasons):
KABB Men’s Division 2 (Seasons):
KABB Men’s Division 3 (Seasons):
KABB Men’s Division 1 Cup (Seasons):
KABB Men’s Division 2 Cup (Seasons):
KABB Men’s Division 3 Cup (Seasons);

North Munster Basketball Boards
North Munster Basketball Boards include Clare Area Basketball Board, North Munster Area Board, Thomond Basketball Board, covering Clare, Limerick and Tipperary
Clare Area Basketball Board
Clare Area Basketball Board
Photo by Grailify on
Clare Area Basketball Board
CABB Finals (Seasons):

Connacht Basketball Boards
Connacht Basketball Boards have included Galway Area Basketball Board, Mayo Area Basketball Board, LonLeitRos Area Basketball Board (Longford, Leitrim, Roscommon), Shannonside Basketball League (Leitrim, Longford, Roscommon, Westmeath) and Sligo Area Basketball Board.
North Connacht Basketball Boards
North Connacht Basketball Boards include Mayo Area Basketball Board, Sligo Area Basketball Board, Shannonside Basketball League, LonLeitRos Area Basketball Board, covering Counties Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon and sometimes Longford and Westmeath
LonLeitRos Area Basketball Board
LonLeitRos Area Basketball Board covers counties Longford, Leitrim, and Roscommon.
LonLeitRos Area Basketball Board
Photo by Markus Spiske on
LLR Standings and Playoffs Overviews
LonLeitRos Basketball Area Board Senior Ladies 2016-2019
LonLeitRos Area Basketball Board Senior Men’s Division 2016-2019
LLR Senior Ladies (Seasons):
LLR Senior Men’s (Seasons):

Shannonside Basketball League
Shannonside Basketball League covered counties Roscommon, Leitrim, Longford and Westmeath
Shannonside Basketball League
Photo by cottonbro on

Galway Area Basketball Board
Galway Area Basketball Board
Photo by Pixabay on
GABB Standings and Playoffs Overviews
Galway Area Basketball Board Senior Men’s League 2016-2019
Galway Area Basketball Board Senior Women’s Division 2016-2019
GABB Senior Men’s Division (Seasons):
GABB Senior Women’s Division (Seasons):

Mayo Area Basketball Board
Mayo Area Basketball Board
Photo by Edgar Colomba on
MABB League Playoffs & Cup Era (Finals)
MABB League & Championship Era (Finals):
Mayo Basketball League
Mayo Basketball League Senior Ladies League 1982-1985
MBL Senior Ladies Championship (Seasons):

North West Basketball Boards
North West Basketball Boards include the Donegal and Cavan Area Basketball Boards and the North West Area Board (Donegal and Sligo). They cover the Area of Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Monaghan and Cavan.
North West Basketball Boards include the Donegal and Cavan Area Basketball Boards and the North West Area Board (Donegal and Sligo). They cover the Area of Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Monaghan and Cavan.
North West Area Boards
Photo Credit: Grayscale Photography of Basketball Hoop Photo by antonio filigno on [Accessed and Edited by Enda Mulcahy on 25 March 2024]
NWAB Ladies League (Seasons):
NWAB Underage Finals (Seasons)

Other Basketball
Other Basketball versions played in Ireland include Wheelchair Basketball, 3×3 Basketball (a reduced numbers version), Independent Mixed Basketball and Streetball. Independent organizations include Defense Forces Basketball, Garda Basketball, Community Games Basketball and Macra na Feirme Basketball (Farmers Basketball).
Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair Basketball
Photo Credit: Photo by Andrew McMurtrie: [Accessed 25 October 2023]
Irish Wheelchair Basketball League (Overviews):
IWA Irish Wheelchair Basketball League 2015-2018
IWBL (Seasons):
IWBL National Cup (Seasons):
British & Irish Basketball Federation
BIBF Four Nations Wheelchair Club Tournament (Seasons):

3×3 Basketball
FIBA Europe 3×3
Photo by Nothing Ahead on
FIBA Europe 3×3 Europe Cup Mens Qualifiers:
FIBA Europe 3×3 Europe Cup Womens Qualifiers:
FIBA Europe 3×3 Europe Cup U18 Mens Qualifiers:

Defense Forces Basketball
The Defense Forces were the first places Basketball was played in Ireland, as the army Barracks were the only places to have Gyms prior to the end of WWII. Basketball in Ireland has been played in the Defense Forces since 1928, with the earliest Championships being played in Army Barracks, and continuing after WWII, the Defense Forces teams played in the All-Ireland Blitzes alongside civilian teams for many years
Defense Forces Basketball Championships
Photo by cottonbro on
Defense Forces Inter-Command Basketball Championships (Finals)

Macra na Feirme Basketball
Macra na Feirme Basketball
Photo by Lachlan Ross on
Macra na Feirme Mixed Basketball (Seasons):
Macra National Sports Day Mixed Basketball (Seasons)

Community Games Basketball
Community Games is an organisation in Ireland which runs sporting & other competitions for Children & Teenagers on a parish/community level throughout Ireland, with County Competitions followed by Provincial & All Ireland Finals.

Mini Basketball is a version of Basketball for Primary School Aged Children, with shorter baskets, less time per quarter and less players on the court. There is also modified rules to make the game more inclusive (such as all players playing a minimum amount of quarters)
Image Reference: Black basketball with red stripes Copyright: sobkiv Image ID: 182623842 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2022]
Roscommon Primary Schools Mini-Basketball Finals
Longford Primary Schools Mini-Basketball Finals
Options Unlimited:

Mixed Basketball
Dublin Indoor Sports runs Mixed Basketball competitions on the Northside and Southside of the City.
Dublin Indoor Sports Mixed Basketball
Photo by Monstera on
Dublin Indoor Sports Mixed Basketball (Seasons):