7v7 Football
Gimme Football! 7v7 Football arose from a desire from Football fans for more Football! Initially the X-Leagues were a game of Football between two Women’s teams that was aired on a rival TV Network during the NFL Super Bowl half-time show in 2004. Fans had been complaining the half-time show was too long and they wanted to watch Football. The game was so popular that it became a full league by 2009.
Fan Controlled Football, also 7v7 Football played indoors in an Arena, was started by gaming fans who wanted their own teams to call plays on like in the Madden NFL Console Game. Fans who own a share in their team vote online during the game in real-time for what plays their team makes on each of the plays.
American 7s Football League is a Semi-Professional State-level network of Leagues that was started by a former High School player who continued to play pick-up games of Football in parks after finishing school, realising there was a need to standardise rules for the pick-up games. It is 7v7 tackle football without pads or helmets.
X-League and Legends Football Leagues
The Lingerie Bowl was first played in 2004 as a rival to the Super Bowl half-time show which was seen by many fans as two long and boring. It was aired on a rival TV network and featured two teams of scantily-clad Women. The Bowl eventually came a fully-fledged league in 2009. The Lingerie was replaced by bikinis, and the League renamed the Legends Football League. In 2020 the League was again renamed the X-League, and bikinis replaced by bicycle shorts and crop-tops
X – Legends Football Leagues (7v7 Arena Indoor Leagues)
Photo by Gerardo Aguilera on Pexels.com
X-League (Seasons):
2021 *
2020 *
(*Cancelled due to Covid)
Legends Football League United States (Seasons):
United States Legends Football League (Bowls)
Legends Football League Legends Bowls 2004-2019
US Legends Football League (Overviews)
Legends Football League United States 2013-2019
Lingerie Football League (Overviews)
Lingerie Football League 2009-2012
World Legends Football Leagues
Legends Football League Global 2012-2014
Legends Football League Pacific Cup 2012-2013
LFL Global (Seasons)
(Irish-Born Linda Holland played for Western Australia Angels)
Legends Football League Australia 2013-2014
Pretty Girls Football League (Mexico – Overviews)

Fan Controlled Football
Fan Controlled Football is a 7v7 Arena Indoor League where fans decide by vote which plays to make throughout the game.
Fan Controlled Football (7v7)
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels.com
Fan Controlled Football (Seasons)
2022: PC v2.0: Zappers 42 Bored Ape FC 24

American 7s
American 7s is neither 8v8 Arena Indoor Football, nor standard 11v11 American Football, rather a 7v7 hybrid of the two major American formats, played without pads.
The idea for American 7s came to Ryan DePaul late in 2002. His High School Football playing career was over and there was no possibility of playing College Football. He was playing pick-up, no pads or helmet football in parks and thought it needed codifying, so in 2005 he began to develop 7v7 No Pads, No Helmet, Tackle American Football.
From the A7FL website: “The A7FL field size is 100 x 37 yards and does not utilize the field goal posts. The narrower field width increases the pace of the action with fewer men on the field making for vicious hits while the 100-yard length maintains the grind. The quarterback has 4 eligible targets with 2 down linemen. Offenses can run bone or pistol, and there are no blitz restrictions for the defense.” [Internet] Available from: https://www.a7fl.com/about-a7fl/ [Accessed 17 March 2022]
In 2014 he was approached by lifelong friend and entrepreneur, Sener Korkusuz about launching the League to Major League level. Soon afterwards the American 7s Football League was born, starting its first season in March 2015. [Ref: 1]
References: [1] A7FL (2020) About [Internet] Available from: https://www.a7fl.com/about-a7fl/ [Accessed 23 May 2020]
American 7s
Photo by Jean-Daniel Francoeur on Pexels.com
American 7s Football League (Seasons):
American 7s Football League (Overview):