Polo originated in Iran and was introduced to Britain and Ireland by the British Army after it was discovered there.
Kabaddi is an Indian Tag Game, popular throughout South Asia, whereby a team has to tag players on the opposing team and get back to their own base without being tagged in turn in the time it takes to hold their breath. In order to ensure the players are holding their breath they have to repeat “Kabaddi” over and over again.
Kabaddi (India – South Asia)
Kabaddi (Ireland)
Kabaddi Trinity Indian Society 2013
Pro Kabaddi (India)
Picture Credit: Mohd Nasirruddin Yazid
Sepak Takraw is a version of Volleyball played with every part of the body except the arms and is Native to Malaysia and Thailand, both of whom claim to have invented it and where the game is a National Sport. It is popular throughout South East and East Asia.
Sepak Takraw (Malaysia, Thailand – South East Asia)
Sepak Takraw (Ireland)
UCD Sepak Takraw Club 2014-Present
Sepak Takraw League (Malaysia)
Sepak Takraw League (Malaysia) 2015-2016
Sepak Takraw Games (East Indonesia)
Photo by YandL on www.shutterstock.com
[6] Shutterstock (2021) Hagoita [Internet] Available from: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/good-luck-charm-japanese-hagoita-1195451194 [Accessed 20 December 2021]
Kemari is an ancient Keepie-Uppie Version of Football from Japan.
Hanetsuki is a traditional Japanese form of Badminton.
Japanese Sports
Hanetsuki (Japanese Badminton)
Kemari (Japanese Football)
Cuju is an ancient Keepie-Uppie Version of Football from China.